Saturday, August 31, 2019

Physics in Everyday Life Essay

1) When we walk or run, our motion is part of laws of mechanics and thrmodynamics. 2) We eat food which undergoes chemical reactions producing heat energy which is converted into mechanical energy 3) Use of refrigerator, pressure cookers, washing machines, television, music system, computers, etc. are all designed on the principles of physics. 4) When we speak, we produce sound properties of which like pitch and intensity are studied in physics 5) Electricity that we use in household is a gift of physics 6) Automobiles design is based on physics The list is endless. Vlad T answered 6 years ago Very vague question but practically everything we do in our daily lives involves SOME degree of physics. Putting on toast, boiling a kettle – heat energy, electricity Cycling a bike – mechanical movements Using the brakes – Friction Using a door handle – Levers and Springs Throwing a ball – weights, gravity, trajectory, air resistance 1)We walk, walk fast, run, jog, jump into a bus etc. All these or any type of motion is associated with Newton’s law of motion. 2) When we talk, our vocal cords vibrate producing sound. 3) When we eat food, the chemical energy of the food is being converted into mechanical energy which we use to do different types of work. 4). The electricity is our house is a gift of Physics. Hydroelectric project is the method in which water is used to generate electricity. The mechanical energy of the water is converted into electrical energy using dynamo.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Many Beneficial Effects of Adopting a Pet

The Many Beneficial Effects of Adopting a Pet Adopting a pet is advantageous to both the pet owner and the pet. When considering the pros and cons of welcoming a furry friend into the family, many are unaware of the fringe benefits that are gained from having a pet. These benefits are not Just one sided either – both the pet and the owner gain by the association. Besides having an affectionate pal, pet owners experience healthful side effects as a result of their relationship. For adopted animals, the most significant endorsement is much more basic and often overlooked: life.Still, many people are hesitant to take n the responsibility of a pet for various different reasons. We recently decided to make room in our household for a new resident. Having weathered the death of our 14 year old terrier Hercules, we wanted adopt another pet. Prior to arriving at that decision, we did some research to determine what type of animal would best fit into our home, which includes two cats. Of the many choices available to us, we finally settled on adopting another cat from a shelter. Here are my top compelling reasons to own a cat from a local humane organization.It comes as no surprise that each year millions of animals enter shelters and a igh percentage are put to sleep due to overpopulation (Salk, 2013). Pet adoptions from non-profit organizations, shelters or humane societies drastically reduce the necessity to euthanize these displaced animals and provide them with safe, loving homes. Adoption also creates an opportunity for new animals to receive help by freeing up space and resources. In addition to adoption, many humane organizations offer vaccinations, micro chips for tracking and spay or neuter services.There is a common misconception that animals in shelters are there because of behavioral or temperament issues. The reality is that most shelter animals are abandoned for reasons such as divorce, relocation, or financial constraints (Salk, 2013), making thei r situation all the more heart wrenching. Providing a healthy, loving environment is most certainly a wonderful gift to a homeless animal. And while the advantage to the animal is obvious, owners also receive unsought personal benefits. Pets are faithful friends that offer unconditional love and companionship.They keep secrets, aren't Judgmental and simply bloom when shown attention. Cats in particular adore snuggling and appear to be the happiest when in the presence of heir owner. Historically, cats have been characterized as solitary creatures, given to â€Å"diva† personality traits and snooty dispositions. While this might accurately describe the temperament of a few, cats are most commonly known for being loving, playful and inquisitive. It's not unusual for my cat to follow me around the house as I complete chores, watch TV with me or wait patiently outside the door for my re- emergence from the bathroom.As an only child, many times I found myself with the family cat a s my only companion. Though it was sometimes quiet, I never felt alone. When I moved into my first apartment, a cat proved to be the best option for my situation. Cats are the pertect pet tor apartment dwellers due in part to their relatively small size. Unlike dogs, cats are quiet – no raucous barking or whining to annoy the neighbors. They require only small amounts of food for survival and do not need to engage in long sessions of strenuous play for exercise.This makes them a budget friendly, low maintenance pet option. Additionally, cats are independent creatures that typically sleep the majority of the day, making them self-sufficient and very easy o maintain. Unlike many pets, cats require little input from their owner. For entertainment, simply give a cat a ball of yarn and he or she will be quite content to pass the time rolling around on the floor playing. Other playthings, such as cat nip laced balls or feather toys not only provide amusement but have the added adva ntage of providing active cats with exercise.Window sills afford cats the enjoyable opportunity to engage in favorite pastimes such as observing the outside world or soaking up the sun while napping. The low upkeep required for a cat is particularly convenient for hose with busy schedules or limited space. Another time saver is the fact that cats need little training. This is especially helpful when it comes to the potty. While training some animals to use the bathroom can be a time intensive labor of love, cats are quite intelligent and require very little direction.Show a cat the location of the litter box and essentially you're done. Cats are very persnickety about their hygiene and environment; therefore, if the litter box is scooped regularly, there are usually no potty accidents to address. Fastidious creatures, cats are incredibly lean animals and spend hours a day grooming themselves. This behavior is intuitive, much like their ability as hunters. Cats are great contributors to the household and earn their keep. Excellent hunters, cats can often be seen relentlessly chasing a fly or mosquito around the house.Spiders, mice, frogs and other small beasties, all fall prey to playful yet determined cats. Having a cat in residence growing up, we never had to purchase traps or other devices to maintain a vermin free household. While being a hunter is an important aspect of their personalities, cats also provide actual health benefits to heir owners. Studies have shown that pet owners receive quantifiable health benefits directly attributable to their pet. Pets are known to lower blood pressure (Sweat, 2013), reduce stress and even strengthen the immune system (Nazario, 2012).Cats are intuitive and sense the emotional state of their owners. It's been my personal experience that when I'm ill, my cat will not leave my side until I'm better. Loyal companions in sickness and in health, cats can be counted on to provide quiet support, sympathy and affection to assi st their caretakers in overcoming depression or other melancholy moods (Sweat, 2013). Did you know that having a special buddy around even helps to alleviate loneliness? With so many upsides, who wouldn't want a pet?There are countless reasons to own a pet in general and a cat in particular. Cats are the ideal pet for any circumstance, whether living in a house or in the small confines of an apartment. Cats are low maintenance, clean, intelligent and make wonderful friends for all ages. As with any animal, there is no greater expression of love then to offer them a safe haven. To homeless animals, adoption means the difference between life and death. In return, you get a friend for life and improved health. My cats are more than pets – they are my family.   

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Air and Water Pollution Paper

Carbon oxide and Nitrogen oxide are one of the many air pollutants this world is having problems with. As for carbon oxide and nitrogen oxide they fall into the category of a primary pollutant, or as so I believe. The reason for why I believe this is because when nitrogen oxide is let out and exposed into the air it can harm the growth of our plants and crops which results us to lose quantities of our food being grown. Also if nitrogen oxide is inhaled it can cause health complications such as asthma.It is a harmful gas that’s created when chemical interactions such as nitrogen and oxygen are combined together and in some cases it can become life threatening. Carbon oxides are the gases produced my carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that’s extremely poisonous and if exposed to it in any way or matter in can begin to reduce the bloods ability to transport oxygen. Carbon dioxide is associated with global warming because carbon dioxide is made up of fossil fuels such as gasoline; methane and propane containing mostly carbon in it.When these fuels are burned, they react with oxygen and produce carbon dioxide which is exposed out into the air which in conclusion leads to the pollutant letting sun lights heat and energy in but doesn’t let that same heat energy out. Nitrogen oxide is a harmful gas that is extremely harmful for not only humanity but earth as well. Nitrogen oxide effects both the ozone layer and on our global warming problem. Once the nitrogen oxide has made its way into the ozone layer, the atmosphere slowly decreases into the stratosphere where the shorter wave length UV rays destroy the nitrogen oxide.Carbon dioxide is a supplement to global warming by consuming energy and heat from earth, trapping it and preventing its release into space. Like carbon oxide is a Greenhouse gas, it effects and influence the climate on earth by increasing carbon oxide levels straightened to supply absorption  and  emission  of  thermal infrared. High levels of nitrogen oxide can be very dangerous to not only humans but animal life as well and it can be fatal. The lower levels of nitrogen oxide can cause damage to the delicate lung tissues in our body. For animals this can cause lung dieses which looks to be like emphysema to humans.Through the ozone layer, long term exposure to nitrogen oxide on animals leads to repertory infections. Plants are surrounded and feed off of nitrogen oxide; it has been seen in many plant activities. The gradient of nitrogen oxide can also guide the pollen tube to its destination located in the ovule. Some of the main contributors of water pollution are factories, oil spills, house hold chemicals and waste treatment facilities. Factories and large industries take a big part in water pollution because, most factories use very large amounts of clean fresh water to wash away waste and any harsh chemicals the factory is discarding.The waste-bearing water, or effluent, is discharged into streams, lakes, or oceans, which in turn disperse the polluting substances. The majority of lakes, rivers, and oceans all are polluted because of the basic everyday uses such as fishing, swimming, as drinking supplies such as juice and alcohol, which can result in harming the sea life. Oil spills caused by large boat rips in the body and oil drills in the middle of the ocean have caused a lot of damage to our sea. Birds can die if they get oil caught into their feathers, the birds natural instinct its to lick and clean itself and when it does it will be poisoned.Animals may surface and some come to la nd to avoid the oil spills but eventually die from hypothermia because their body temperatures will begin to lower, and those exposed in the water will also die once the oil has entered into their lungs or liver. This is why we must be careful and avoid polluting water not for our own benefit but for our wild life’s benefit too.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

International Marketing - Essay Example Global marketing involves planning and executing the marketing efforts for pricing, supply and promotion of ideas, services or goods in multinational markets. The importance of global/international marketing: Macro level benefits in national perspective 1. Increase in national income 2. Efficiency 3. Employment generation 4. Increased linkages 5. Optimal utilization of resources 6. Educative effect 7. Promotes foreign direct investment 8. Stimulates competition 9. Technology sourcing Micro level effects of international business 1. Growth 2. Fighting 3. Increased efficiency 4. Sale economics 5. Innovation 6. Risk cover The three key elements of marketing with reference to tourism products are: 1. The Marketing Plan 2. Mix of the 4 Ps 3. Market segmentation The marketing plan is a significant aspect of global market as the firm will have to consider multi cultural, multi ethnic background customers, whose nature, attitude and needs and preferences vary drastically. In the case of tour ism industry, this aspect becomes highly relevant. Hence, the marketing plan will have tol focus on the target audience, seasons when influx is expected and tastes of customers of from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This plan will guide their marketing decisions and  assist them in allocating marketing resources such as  money and personnel time. The plan should include: 1. The overall business objectives--what you want to  accomplish. In tourism products, one should also consider the areas one wants to serve. 2. An assessment of the market environment--what factors  may affect your marketing efforts. The nature and attitude different types of customers. 3. A business/community profile--what resources are  available and what resources the incoming customers look for. 4. Market identification (segmentation)--the specific  groups or clientele most interested in your product. 5.   The marketing objectives for each segment. Mix of the 4Ps the increased attentio n to the application of marketing in the services sector, especially tourism, has brought into question what the key components or elements of a Marketing Mix are, or what they should be. If the elements chosen for a service are not comprehensive, there is a chance for the occurrence of a gap between the market requirement and the firm's marketing offer. This makes it appropriate to reconsider the traditional Marketing Mix of the 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion and Place). The traditional mix has been derived from a much longer list of twelve variables designed by the Harvard School of Business. Over time, the concept had gained acceptance and the mix was adopted to capture the market. Tourism industry normally makes the mistake of considering all customers as the same. This needs to be avoided and specific model of product and services needs to be designed for each type of customers, depending on their culture, region, religion, preferences etc. For example,  it would be difficult to develop a campground that would  be equally attractive to recreational vehicle campers and  backpackers or promote a property to serve both  snow mobilers and nature oriented cross country skiers.   Question 2 -Discuss how the Calgary Model of Competitiveness can be used for tourism organizations and why is it very important to handle culture diversity when operating in the international market. Tourism has been one of the most emergent fields in the world. The use of latest technologies and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Learn to Cherish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Learn to Cherish - Essay Example Unable to cope with the loss, my father swiftly degenerated into a hopeless drunkard. Friday morning was the last time we would see him in the week. After work on Friday he no longer came home. Instead he went on a drinking spree with his friends, a spree that would last till Monday morning. Then we would come back home very early in the morning to take a shower, change and go to work. Apart from paying the bills and buying food, he simply no longer cared about what was happening at home. From what I heard, he had become irresponsible even at work and was threatened with being fired anytime. For me, and I guess for the whole family, what made the experience even more painful was the knowledge that my mother had eloped with a man who was not just our neighbor, but also the father of my childhood friend and first playmate. I hated her passionately. Given the worsening situation at home, one of our maternal aunties took custody of our last born while one of our elder sisters, already married at the time, took me in. As I left home I could not help but worry about my father. My younger sibling and I had found refuge in my aunt and sister, respectively. As for my father, now left alone at home, no one seemed to care for him; it was though he had been left to drink himself to death. In the few months that followed my leaving home, I learned from my sister that my uncles had tried to intervene in my fathers situation, but given up shortly afterwards after they had concluded that he could not be helped. In the days and months that followed, my sister avoided my fathers story every time I brought up: she was not interested. She was even opposed to me visiting him. For the decade that followed my mother’s elopement, I have since lived with two of my sisters and a host of other relatives. In all my wanderings amongst my siblings and relatives, I will never forget the unceremonious way in which my first sister who took me in

Monday, August 26, 2019

Crime Mapping & Analysis Spatial Theories of Crime Assignment

Crime Mapping & Analysis Spatial Theories of Crime - Assignment Example Developed countries have come up with mapping software’s that help in analyzing crime. The technology of crime mapping has proved effective in determining the quantity of resources to be allocated to patrol officers in certain areas. Crime mapping is guided by various theories of crime, which help the crime officers understand the human mind, and how the environment surrounding a criminal influences them to commit a certain crime. The spatial theories help crime analysts to analyze crime, and they support GSI. This theory focuses more on the social control of crime based on the relationships with other people. According to the theory, and offender is motivated by being in the same place with the target. This theory argues that an offender will only commit a certain crime in the absence of an effective control. Crime, therefore, occurs when the offender and the target are in the same place and in the absence of a control or presence of a powerless crime control. A crime offender is influenced by people around him/her who could either be their parents, peers, relatives or intimate partners. Such people are referred to as handlers and in their absence, or if they are weak, the offender can commit a crime. According to the theory, guardians also control crime. Guardians could be police officers, security guards or neighbors. A potential offender is likely to commit a crime is the guardians of the target are absent or if they are weak. According to this theory, criminal motivation is controlled by social structures that can either create and environment for crime occurrence or create an environment where crime occurrence is low. The theory assumes that related people or people living in the same areas are social and ready to help one another. The theory is not very effective in GSI since the modern society, socialness levels have fallen, and hence, the people around a target may not prevent crime

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Moment of Silence in Illinois Public Schools Essay

A Moment of Silence in Illinois Public Schools - Essay Example Firstly, from the legal point of view opponents claim that the mandatory school prayer introduced by the State is unconstitutional. In Illinois, as reported in the Chicago tribunal, Governor Red Blagojevich attempted to veto the bill on the grounds of separation of church and the state but was defeated. It is indeed true that public schools must remain neutral as far as religion is concerned, they may not endorse a particular religion at the demise of another one, may not endorse secularism over religion or endorse secularism over religion (Robinson 2000). The amends in the legislation to the Illinois act makes it flexible by accommodating diverse religious belief and introducing freedom and choice of observing ones belief according to many legal experts. Dave Smith a member of Illinois Family Institute [IFI] which has been lobbying for the bill in an interview said that it is good to see that the state is finally recognizing that citizens have freedom of religion and not freedom fro m religion. (Haynes, 2007) Even so, for the Act to be successful its implementation protocol is vital, according to Haynes and Thomas, parents, religious leaders and the community should be educated on three basic policies, one; The primary responsibility for the education of children still lie with the parents, secondly; schools must protect the religious freedom of students of all faiths and those of no faith and lastly; Public debate must be conducted with respect, civility and indifferent to the diverse religious beliefs of the society. (Loconte, 1996) Secondly, from the religious point of view, Christians believe that prayers should be subject-driven and not object-driven; thus an individual should instigate prayers from within for the prayers to have value otherwise the value of prayer diminishes if it is mandated hence defeats the purpose, a parent reacting to the act in the Christian website lamented that she wanted her children to want to pray not have to. But religious experts differ and hold the view that introduction of religious practices in schools in the long run help to nurture a moral society, on this grounds, religious lobbyists are in the view that it is possible to administer prayer and statement from variety of religion and secular philosophies without trivializing any religion or violating the constitution by concentrating on fundamental universal values taught by all the religious groups (Robinson, 2000). This can be done through signing up for the "Three R's Project" that is Rights, Responsibility and Respect. T his project has been introduced in many states successfully and it basically postulates that the Fist amendment provision was to maintain respect for individual conscience, and that it implies a set of civic principles for affirming religion in the public all its diversity. Thus multi ethnicity does not have to mute all religious influence. (Loconte, 1996) Another Christian classical notion is mandatory prayers in public schools will interfere with harmony between different religions

Law - an evaluation of cross examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law - an evaluation of cross examination - Essay Example In the case of witnesses in sexual offences cases, the prior sexual history of the complainant may not be allowed to be included in cross examination, unless sit contains issues of substantive fact and probative value. The cross examination is conducted by the opposing counsel and in the case of experts, submitting themselves to a cross examination means that their reputation and credibility will be at stake.1 It is necessary that the responses provided are very accurate because a slight variation can be equated to a lie by a cross examining attorney through suggestion.2 Experts are often subjected to rigorous cross examination because the final outcome of a case in several instances may rest upon the testimony provided by the expert witness. Counsel use several tactics in order top elicit evidence from the witnesses through the process of cross examination. One such tactic is to read aloud a statement from a document and ask the witness if it is correct. If the witness agrees, then s/he is agreeing to the statement contents as well as the attorney’s recitation of it.3 This can sometimes serve to allow the cross examining counsel’s perception of events to be thus recorded and may influence the final outcome of the case. While cross examination in general is very important, two of the most contentious areas have been cross examinations on bad character of defendants and cross examination of prior sexual offences, both of which are discussed below. When a plaintiff is being cross examined, the opposing attorney may not be allowed to include any questioning dealing with the prior character of the plaintiff, unless it is an issue of defamation.4 It is the Plaintiff who adduces evidence rather than the defendant and the general rule established in law is that prior evidence on a person’s character will be considered irrelevant and not allowed in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Battle of Algiers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Battle of Algiers - Essay Example Of particular interest is Algeria, a country in the Northern part of Africa. Earlier in the nineteenth century, Algerians used to attack European ships, and this led formation of French a representative in Algiers to ensure that piracy never occurred. One event led to another and the result was the capture of Algiers a matter that saw a war emerged between the French and Berbers who were the primary occupants of the city. After many years of war, Algeria was separated paving way for the creation of Morocco as an independent state. However, the war between French government and Algerians still continued. Further, as time passed by there were many French people in Algeria. Their population increased and as a result France sought to have Algeria as one of its colonies. After the end of the Second World War, much happened that encouraged Algerians to rebel against their guardian, France. Rebellions ensued, and there was war in every region leading to the killing of many settlers and also many of the Algerian people. The Algerian freedom fighters organized themse lves in a manner that they had earlier planned back in the days when they were under French citizenship. This was from organized labor rights groups and others who were opposed to France’s governance1. Most Algerians as any other Africans were treated as lower race to the colonialists. This angered Algerians and motivated them to revolt. Those who had been educated under the French governments system were at the forefront of the struggle. Groups had been formed as early as 1926 although they had been formed to fight for other interests other than revolting against the government of France. One of them was known as the "Star", and it was the first to call for the liberation of Algeria. The Star had grouped itself as a clique of workers of African origin but worked in France. They had come together to fight for their rights as

Friday, August 23, 2019

Speech Analysis Rabbi Besser Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Speech Analysis Rabbi Besser - Essay Example What is even more, the speaker, namely his/her overall appearance and gesticulation, is also a factor in this equation. These three factors are perhaps the most important in effective public speaking. The purpose of this essay is for me to analyze a speech that I have heard, in terms of the above three factors, more specifically with regard to the guidelines of the Out-of-Class Delivery Form that I was given. I have chosen the speech of Rabbi Besser to analyze in this regard. Rabbi Besser is the Rabbi at my synagogue, and he was speaking at our weekly Saturday evening Havdalah. Starting from his physical appearance, Rabbi Besser looked very presentable in his dark suit and nicely polished shoes. The importance of personal dressing and grooming in public speaking is asserted by most writers of the topic. Rozakis states that not only the dressing of the speaker but his cleanliness is also very important (310 & 312). Condrill and Bough do not mention personal cleanliness separately, however, they do stress that the speaker should dress appropriately for the occasion (74). In this regard, Rabbi Besser was very well prepared for the speech, not only was he dressed well to suit the occasion, as I mentioned earlier, but he maintained good personal cleanliness that was quite apparent. Once Rabbi Besser started his speech, he started walking around the podium. I feel, that this took away from his speech as he moved around too much, causing the audience to be distracted by his movements. Though moving around can be a good method for holding the audience’s attention, however, I felt that the Rabbi used it excessively, causing a distraction. Moreover, the use of hand gestures by the Rabbi was excessive too. A gesticulation is a good tool in making a point in a speech; it sometimes helps elaborate what the speaker is trying to say. Additionally, gesticulation can also help the speaker in remembering certain key points of the speech.  Ã‚  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Asian American Essay Example for Free

Asian American Essay America has grown very much over the past couple of years when it comes to the representations of race, gender, class and sexuality. In America today many people are aware of the issues that different people have faced and the problems they are currently dealing with. Breaking a stereotype is a hard thing to do for any minority but it has been especially hard on the Asian community. From the early days of media Asian men and women have been portrayed a very specific way in film and television. In the 1950’s and 1960’s Asian women were portrayed as sexual objects, they were evil goddesses with slanted eyes or smiling, cunning, sexual deviants. This objectified Asian women to only two choices, be naive and hopeless or untrustworthy and devious. Now a days the media has obviously tried to eliminate these stereotypes. Their attempts have worked to some extent however there still are not many big name Asian women actresses. One of the biggest Asian actresses in Hollywood is Lucy Liu. Although is she a very successful actress all of her roles are very sexual. Is this a good or bad thing for the Asian community? Yes she is very famous but is she playing right into Asian women being sexually exploited in the media. Asian males have faced a very similar problem over the years. Although the term Asian American covers about 30 different ethnicities, in the media they are almost all portrayed in the same way. In the early days of American media you barely saw any Asian males on T. V. One of the most prominent Asian characters on T. V. in the early 30’s and 40’s was the character of Charlie Chan. Charlie Chan was a detective who appeared in over 40 different films, his character was very wise, smart and witty. The only problem was this Asian character was played by three different white actors over the years. The reasoning behind this was that all the good characteristics Charlie Chan had were because the actors were white and all of his negative characteristics were due to the fact that the character was Asian. Once again in todays society we have progressed significantly since the days of Charlie Chan. However Asian males today have been predominantly reduced to two major roles. One of these two roles is pretty easy to figure out, that role would be the kung foo action role. If I said, name a couple of Asian American actors the first that come to mind are Jackie Chan and or Bruce Lee. Everybody knows or has seen a couple of the films these two stars have been in. Another role is the role of the villain. Many Asian characters do not have big roles unless they are the bad guy. They are often linked with gang activities such as prostitution, gambling and murder. Here are some examples of these stereotypes and representations. The first one is the movie trailer for The World of Suzie Wong. This movie is about an American writer who is struggling in life and falls in love with a Chinese prostitute. Although it is a love story and Suzie Wong is the main character you can just tell by the trailer what American men think of Asian women at the time. www. youtube. com/watch? v=jnepiAcqb_g The next clip is a more modern movie. It stars Lucy Liu who is a very successful Asian actress. This movie is obviously a step forward, in the 1960’s an Asian woman fighting crime would have been thought of as blasphemous. Although her role in this movie is a strong woman who fights crime there is still a little bit of sexual objectivity here and in many other scenes of the movie.www. youtube. com/watch? v=cjyqWsrpQAA This next image is an image of Charlie Chan. You can tell by the picture that the actor that plays Charlie Chan is white. They use make up and he talks with an accent to make the character Asian. This truly makes no sense to me at all. The character is Asian but could not be played by an Asian because his good values would not seem realistic, but all of the negative qualities he has is because the character is of Chinese decent. http://beyondmediaonline. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/chan. jpg. This next clip is from Rush Hour 3 and it pretty much plays into all the stereotypes I was talking about before. Jackie Chan is the star of this movie and he is a detective who specializes in martial arts and the man they are interrogating in this scene is a French/Asian gangster. Now once again not every Asian actor is a martial arts star or portrays a gangster in a movie now a days. It just seems that the major roles Asian actors get are ones like this. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=tfEZwRukZOo Nittle, N. (2013). Asian American Stereotypes. Retrieved from http://racerelations. about. com/od/hollywood/a/Five-Common-Asian-american-Stereotypes-In-Tv-And-Film. htm Is Lucy Liu a heroine or a curse? (2003, January 29). Gold Sea Asian American Daily. Retrieved December 4, 2007, from http://goldsea. com/Air/Issues/Liu/liu. html. Chan, C. (1988). Asian Stereotypes. Retrieved from Chan, C. (1988). Asian American women: The psychological responses to sexual exploitation and cultural stereotypes. The Politics of Race and Gender in Therapy. Ed. Lenora Fulani. Haworth, 31-38.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Impact Of Culture On Healthcare Nursing Essay

The Impact Of Culture On Healthcare Nursing Essay Culture is one of the most important determining factors in healthcare preferences and practices. Thus, the need for transcultural nursing is undeniable. Transcultural nursing requires sophisticated assessment and analytic skills and the ability to plan, design, implement, and evaluate nursing care for individuals, families, groups, and communities representing various cultures (Andrews and Boyle, 2008, p.4). In order to effectively practice transcultural nursing, one must first understand the need for cultural competence. It is vital for nurses to have a desire to become culturally aware, culturally knowledgeable, culturally skillful, and to seek cultural encounters. Cultural desire is the stimulator in the eruption of the process of cultural competence and the nurse must seek and be open to learn and accept others, understand the process is lifelong, and set aside personal feelings to effectively treat unique patients (Campinha-Bacote, J, 2003). The Giger and Davidhizar (2002) Tran scultural Model is a helpful tool that addresses and effectively treats patients who have different cultures. The model takes into consideration 6 important phenomena. Communication keeps culture alive by verbal and nonverbal means; it is one of the biggest obstacles in healthcare. Nurses ask questions to determine patients views on illness, causes, and possible treatments. They listen and interpret their patients level of understanding and ability to follow through with treatment. Also, nurses interact with the patients family. Communication varies from culture to culture. Americans are expected to speak Standard English; however, it varies based on region, ethnicity, and social class (United States, 2001). Americans use a variety of nonverbal communication. Eye contact, which is viewed as a sign of trust and honesty, between patients and healthcare professionals is the norm. Expression of emotion varies in American culture. Americans use a combination of verbal language, body language, and gestures. Americans are often straightforward and rather demanding. Unlike Americans, Asians rarely complain. Silence and withdrawal may be the only indication of a problem. Asians tend to not ask for anything, accept pain, and remain stoic (Fernandez V. K., 2008, Asian Community). Many Asians dont engage in eye contact with powerful persons; the avoidance of eye contact shows respect and reverence (Non-Verbal Communication, p.4). Asians speak more than 100 languages; they vary based on the geographic regions they descend from (Asian Americans, p. 2). Arab Muslims usually cooperate by answering questions, listening, and following directions until they see improvement. They believe their expression, such as pain, should be quickly met with response (Fernandez V. K., 2008, The Middle Eastern Community). The Arabic language uses devices that outmatch reality and is not very direct or explicit (Ayish, 2003). Hispanics are very emotionally expressive. Effective communication with Hispanics is not based on just speaking their language; cultural rules allow for certain discussions with certain people (Fernandez V. K., 2008, The Hispanic Ameri can Community). Eye contact is expected on the nurses part but will not necessarily be reciprocated (Andrews Boyle, p.25). Nurses, if available, should undergo cultural competency training. Berln and Fowkes LEARN Model can assist; LEARN, represents the process of listening to the patient, explaining your view, acknowledging differences and similarities, recommending and negotiating a plan (Campinha-Bacote, J.,2003). Nurses should enlist the help of trained interpreters, preferably of the same gender, mature, and of no relation to patient; if there is no interpreter, the following but not limited to, is necessary: politeness, slow and concise speaking, simplicity, pantomime, validation of understanding, and instructions in the proper sequence (Andrews Boyle, p.29). Space is also important when dealing with various cultures. Nurses are required to interact with patients, often invading personal space. Giger and Davidhizar (2002) state: Territoriality refers to feelings or an attitude toward ones personal area. Each person has their own territorial behavior. Feelings of territoriality or violation of the clients personal and intimate space can cause discomfort and may result in a clients refusing treatment or not returning for further care. (p. 185) Americans tend to require a need for personal space. When family and friends are near, Americans tend to be relaxed; however, when a stranger or mere acquaintance invades space, it can become uncomfortable. Asians prefer a great amount of social distance. Many prefer minimum physical contact with acquaintances; excessive contact is viewed as inappropriate. Unlike Americans, who believe touch is a sign of friendliness, Asians view the head as a personal area that contains the seat of the soul and it should not be touched. Arab Muslims seem to require the least amount of space. It is not uncommon for people from the Middle East to stand closely when conversing. However, gender can play a role; Muslim woman may become distraught when a male, even a healthcare professional, stands or sits near her; Arab Muslims expect females to tend to females and males will care for males. Hispanics, unlike Americans, are use to standing or sitting near people they are not well acquainted with (Non-Ver bal Communication, p.3). Hispanics and Arab Muslims may unintentionally invade nurses space as a means of getting closer and more comfortable (Andrews Boyle, p.26). Nurses should take the patients lead; if the patient seems to gravitate towards you or initiates touch, then it is acceptable to do the same. At all times respect the patient and boundaries. When dealing with patients, there must be consideration of social organizations or what role the patients culture plays in his or her life. Family members are often the providers of a patients eating habits, sick role behaviors, and medications used. Americans view family as a vital part of their healthcare plans. It is common for Americans to be visited and supported by family; they often discuss and make important decisions. Asians are concerned with family interdependence over independence; family usually likes to assist with patient care. In some Asian cultures, some members, such as men and elders, dominate and consider women and children inferior (Galanti, 2005). Arab Muslims regard family as the foundation of their society. The husband answers questions, makes all major decisions, and gives consent. Often times, Arab Muslims dont believe in divulging family history. The family cares for the ill. (The Middle Eastern Community). Hispanics have large families who visit for long h ours as a way to demonstrate their love and genuine concern. Often times, decisions are made by the entire family or designated members (Galanti, 2003). Religious and spiritual beliefs are important factors during illness, recovery, and death. In the United States, most people consider themselves Christians; Catholics singly dominate, but the Protestant groups combined outnumber them. Americans include religious practitioners such as priest, ministers, and rabbis as well as nontraditional leaders during health related situations. Americans include religious objects, such as the Bible, and also rituals, such as communion. Death and end of life choices are also influenced by religion and practices; typically, Americans consider death a sad and somber time. Asians are host to numerous religions; Christian, Muslim, Buddhism, and Hindu are just a few. Many Asians believe in bad spirits; infants attract them and induce death. If the illness is thought to be caused by spirits, healers are sought (Asian Community). Arab Muslims are usually of the Islamic faith and pray 5 times a day to the Holy Land, Mecca. Muslims recharge their spiritual battery during the month of Ramadan; fasting from dawn to sunset accompanies. Arab Muslims often read from the Al Quran (The Middle Eastern Community). Hispanics are usually Catholics with the recent emergence of Pentecostals. Shrines and religious objects are common in practice. Health is viewed as Gods gift and should be revered (The Hispanic Community). Nurses must be accommodating to patients families and the value placed on family within cultures. Nurses must be sensitive to religious beliefs or practices and must not impose personal beliefs. Seeking knowledge is essential. However, exposure to diverse cultures is one the best learning mechanisms. Understanding a cultures notion of time elapsing, specific periods, and clock time are necessary for effective healthcare. Cultures may be past, present, or future oriented. Americans use time to provide order. Americans expect care at designated times; appointments are a prime example. Americans are future oriented; they believe they can manipulate the future by taking certain actions. Americans tend to be proactive; the focus is optimism, coping strategies, and preventive measures. Americans often demonstrate this orientation through self examinations, check-ups, and staying informed about healthcare advances. Asians tend to have a past orientation. They prefer to adhere to traditional methods and treatments; they are apprehensive about new innovations. Recently however, Asians are shifting towards future orientation (Galanti, 2004). Arab Muslims are present oriented and are neglectful of preventive measures. They may be late or not attend appointments at all (The Middle Eastern Community). Hispanics also focus on the present. They believe the future arrives in its o wn time and thus the notion that one cannot be late exist (Galanti, 2004). Nurses must explain the importance of time regarding life processes while being respectful and mindful of cultural views. Nurses should try to refrain from making time oriented promises that cant be kept. Environmental control or the attempt to control nature affects patients health practices, values, and the definitions of health and illness (Giger, Davidhizar, 2002). Americans believe nature can be controlled. Americans equate the body to a machine; if its broken, allow healthcare professionals to fix it (Galanti, 2004). Americans conform to the Western biomedical model which defines health as the absence of disease or the signs and symptoms of disease. The holistic paradigm exists in Asian cultures; it deals with the concept of yin and yang, in which forces of nature must be balanced to produce harmony (Andrew Boyles, 69). Asians tend to view people as part of nature. The land is a resource used to treat disease; herbal remedies are common (Galanti, 2004). Arabs believe the key to good health is personal hygiene and a healthy diet. They place a high value in modern Western medicine and have confidence in the medical profession (The Middle Eastern Community). Hispanics believe nat ural forces are not in their control and preventative measures are not often taken. (Galanti, 2004). Their system, the Curanderismo, combines spiritualistic, homeopathic, and scientific elements; curandero or holistic healers are utilized (The Hispanic Community). Nurses should become familiar with factors. Nurses should not dismiss patients view of their power and accountability or lack thereof. Biological variations exist between races; some groups are sensitive to certain medications, have metabolic differences, and are prone to certain diseases or factors that can affect healthcare. African Americans are three times more likely to get tuberculosis than whites; they also have higher rates of hypertension. Sensitivity to cardiovascular effects from Propranolol occurs more in Asians than Whites. Ethnic minorities, such as Hispanics, have higher HIV rates (Giger and Davidhizar, 2002). Middle Easterners or Arab Muslims have a lower percentage of sweat chlorides (Andrews Boyle, 54). The list of variations is broad and extensive. Accurate assessment and evaluation of clients require knowledge of normal biocultural variations among healthy members of selected populations (Andrews Boyles, 49). Nurses must acquire skills that will allow the recognition of variations. A nurse must always remember that the focus should remain on the patients well being and recovery. It is necessary to understand that individuals will never be the same. A patients health status and treatment is directly influenced by their culture and it is this reasoning, which has been proven through testing and the development of theories that has led to the conclusion that culture cannot and will not be ignored. Human diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue; it makes it a requirement for survival (Dubos). Healthcare will not suffice without negotiation, adjustment, and respect of differences. Transcutlural concepts in nursing care have made cultural competency an expected standard and it is the duty of every nurse to help maintain this standard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic sinus surgery, a widely used method in the treatment of chronic sinus disease can lead to major (0-1,5 %) and minor (1,1-20,8% ) complications. These complications are still important nowadays. Central nervous system (CNS) fistula, hemorrhage, meningitis, orbital injury and even death are major pathologies. These are usually the result of injury of fovea ethmoidalis or orbital structures [1-4]. If the skull base anatomy and its possible variations are well known these risks will be minimized. ‘Fovea ethmoidalis’ which seperates ethmoid cells from anterior cranial fossa forms the roof of ethmoidal labrynth [5, 6]. Fovea ethmoidalis adheres to lateral lamella of cribriform plate which is a medially located very thin bone [7]. Keros [8] classified the depth of olfactory fossa as the height of lateral lamella in 1962. According to his classification if the height of lateral lamella MATERIAL-METHOD Two hundred paranasal sinus computed tomographies performed for various reasons as a total of 400 hemisides of paranasal region were analyzed retrospectively. Patients under 18 years of age, with a history of prior surgery, trauma which led to massive destruction of bones and patients with congenital anomalies were excluded from the study. A hundred of the patients were female (18-77 years old, mean age: 36,91) and 100 male (18-76 years old, mean age:34,25), respectively. MDCT scanner (Siemens Medical Solutions, Enlargen, Germany) with consecutive 1mm thick sections were obtained and coronal multiplanar reconstructions were performed. Bone algorithm was used. In our study , we measured that the depths of olfactory fossa, identifying Keros types, the distances of the ethmoidal roof from hard palate, the distances between upper and lower limits of the orbita bilateraly. The height of ethmoid roof was calculated by measuring the distance between ethmoid roof and the upper limit of orbit a. Measurements in coronal sections were performed at the level of the optic nerve just posterior to the orbital globe. Also the shapes of the bone from the confluence of ethmoidal fovea with lateral lamella are called type 1 if its shape looks like a broken arrow (broken wing) and type 2 if its shape is flat (flattening) and forms of the asymmetry were investigated. Keros typing, ethmoid roof height and asymmetric shape of the fovea were investigated in both sexes whether there is a relationship between them. NCSS statistical analysis (Number Cruncher Statistical System) 2007 Statistical Software (Utah, USA) was performed with the package program. Data were evaluated by descriptive statistical methods (mean, standard deviation), as well as comparisons between groups one-way analysis of variance, in the sub-group comparisons Tukeys multiple comparison test, in the binary comparisons of groups and independent t test, in the qualitative comparisons of data chi-square and weighted kapp a compatibility test was used. Results significances were evaluated at p RESULTS: According to the classification of Keros, 3.75% of the patients Keros type I (n = 15), 59.5% Keros type II (n = 238), 36.75% Keros type III (n = 147). Keros type III is more common in males (n=86, 43%) than females (n=61, 30.5%) (p = 0.017). The shapes of fovea ethmoidalis in 97.25% (n = 389) of the patients were the broken arrows (type 1), while 2.75% (n = 11) of the shapes were flat (type 2) . In 54 cases (13.5%) an olfactory fossa Keros type asymmetry, in 11 cases (2.75%) foveal shape asymmetry was found. In seven patients (3.5%) as well as the foveal shape asymmetry also Keros olfactory fossa type asymmetry was seen . Keros type I patients’ orbital maximal height average were measured 33.07  ± 1.24 mm, Keros type II patients 32.57  ± 1.97 mm, Keros Type III patients 33.31  ± 2.11 mm respectively. In the male patients , the average heights of the orbits of Keros III group were significantly higher than Keros group II (p = 0.034). The olfactory fossa depth was measured at an average 6.45  ± 2.16 mm on the right , 6.39  ± 2.21 mm on the left. The average depth of the olfactory fossa in males (6.7  ± 2.45 mm) was higher than in females (6.13  ± 1.84 mm) (p = 0.01). There was no significant difference between the olfactory fossa depth between type 1 or type 2 foveal shape. Right and left olfactory fossa depth which were used for detection of Keros typing was compared. In 93 patients (46.5%) from the total of 200 patients asymmetry was detected. In 55 patients > 1 mm (27.5%), in 38 patients had > 2 mm (19%) difference was found. Forty-eight of them female and 45 were male. In seven of the same patients showed foveal shape asymmetry also. Average right ethmoid roof height 7.59  ± 2.25 mm ,average left ethmoid roof height was measured 7.75  ± 2.38 mm. In men with type 2 foveal shape the groups average height of the ethmoid roof (9.59  ± 2.77 mm) was higher than the foveal shape of type 1 group (7.66  ± 2.36 mm) (p = 0.042). In women, the average height of the ethmoid roof of type 2 group (8.75  ± 1.76 mm) was higher than type 1 group (7.34  ± 2.11 mm) (p = 0.03). There was no statistically significant difference was observed between the averages of heights of ethmoid roofs in Keros type I, II and III patients. Right and left ethmoid roof heigh ts were compared in total of 200 patients. There was an asymetry between left and right sides in 93 patients (46.5%) . In 55 patients > 1 mm difference (27.5%), in 38 patients had > 2 mm difference (19%) was found. Forty-nine of them were female, 44 of them were male. Five of the same patients showed asymmetry in the shape of the fovea also. In 54 patients (27%), asymmetry was observed in both ethmoid roof height and olfactory fossa depth . Twenty-nine of them were female, twenty-five of them were male. In the same group; the foveal shape in four patients showed asymmetry also. For the Keros type I patients both sides of the olfactory fossa depth asymmetry ratio was found to be more (53,3%) than the other types. For the same measurement, the ratios were found 40,8% and 29,4 % with Keros type II and type III respectively. Kerosian ethmoid roof height of both sides in patients with type I, asymmetry ratio was found to be greater (40.0%). For the same measurement, the results were 33.3% and 29.4% in Keros type III and type II respectively. In the Keros type I patients foveal shape asymmetry was found to be greater (20.0%) than the other types . The foveal shape asymetry for Keros type II was 4.2% and 4.08% for Keros type III respectively. DISCUSSION: The ethmoid sinuses have special importance especially in patients undergoing sinus surgery . Because these sinuses are close to vital organs such as the anterior cranial fossa, dura, orbita, optic nerve and anterior ethmoid artery [12, 13]. During endoscopic sinus surgery, the maximum likelihood of injury of the skull base is in Keros type III cases in which olfactory fossa are deep [9]. In 1962, in Keros’ study with 450 patients, type II patients at a rate of 70.16% (which was the most common type in that study), type III 18.25% and type I 11.59% of the patients [8]. In our study 3.75% of the patients were Keros type I (Figure 1), 59.5% of the patients were Keros type II (Figure 2), 36.75% of the patients were Keros type III (Figure 3) . After the point of the junction of fovea ethmoidalis with cribriform plate as well as the depth; the shape and symmetry of these structures are also important . In our study, in 93 patients (46.5%), olfactory fossa height asymmetry was detected and in another 93 patients (46.5%) foveal shape asymmetry was found. In 54 cases with height asymmetry there was also shape asymmetry (27%). In a study made by Basak et al. [14] in Turkey on 64 children with Keros type I, type II and type III incidences were explained in the following way; 9%, 53% and 38% . Anderhub et al. [15] researched 272 cases of German children for the analysis of cases of ethmoid roof . The results of their study were as follows: 14.2% of the patients Keros type 1, 70.6% of the patients Keros type II, 15.2% of the patients Keros type III . In Jang and his collegues study [16], on 205 adult patients, type II was the most common (69,5%). In Alazzaw and his collegues study [17] on 150 patients with 3 separate ethnic group type I 80%, type II 20% and type III 0% of the patients were detected. In a study made by Elwany and et al. [18] on 300 Egyptian 42,5% of type I, 56,8% type II and 1,4% type III were found respectively. In this study, the type II olfactory fossa was the commonest type in men (66.7%), while the type I fossa was commonest in women (53%). In a study made by Souza et al. [19] on 200 Brazilian with type I 26,3%, type II 73,3% and type III, 0,5% of reported cases. Solares et al. [20] in United States examined 50 cases, 83% of the cases type I, 15% type II and %2 type III respectively. In a study in Turkey Erdem et al. [21] showed 8,1% in 136 patients with type 1, 59,6% type II, 32,3% type III; Sahin et al. [22] in 100 cases detected 10% of the patients type I, 61% type II, 29% type III. Dr. Satish Nair [23], found that 77,2% of type II in the study, 17,2% of type I and 5,6%. of type III 5,6% respectively. As seen in the studies, differences are observed between different countries. In a study by Lebowitz et al. [24] 200 paranasal tomographies were interpreted. In 86 of the cases, olfactory fossa shapes were symmetric and their heights were the same. Ninety-six cases had shape asymmetry, 19 cases had height asymmetry in olfactory fossa, one case had both shape and height asymmetry. In a study made by Dessi et al. [11] on 150 Italian patients, 10% identified asymmetry of the height of the olfactory fossa. In Fan and et al. [25] studies’ on 160 Chinese patients, 15,6% of cases showed olfactory fossa height asymmetry, 38,75% of cases had foveal shape asymmetry. Souza et al. [19] showed ethmoid roof height asymmetry in 12% of the cases, contour asymmetry in 48,5% of the cases. Michael Reiss et al. [26] studied 644 patients, of which 31 % was detected height asymmetry. Kizilkaya et al. [2] reported that in 37,95% patients was detected height asymmetry. Dr. Satish Nair [23] identified height asymmetry in 11,7% of the cases. In the same study, ethmoid roof heigh t and contour asymmetry was found in patients at the highest rate with type I (67,8%); than 32,3% and 40% with type II and type III followed. In a study made by Kaplanoglu et al. [27] on 500 patients ; in 80% of cases was found height asymmetry, the foveal shape asymmetry was detected in 35% of the patients in the same study. Our current study in patients with Keros type I both olfactory fossa depth and height of the ethmoid roof asymmetries had greater percentage. But in our population Keros type I is less seen. However, most of the skull base injuries were seen in Keros type III cases at a prevalance of 36,75% in our study in which olfactory fossa depth and height of the ethmoid roof asymmetry rates were quite high (respectively 40,8%, 33,3%). Preoperative computed tomography must be interpreted in detail. Especially Keros typing must be done and all the variations should be evaluated carefully. CONCLUSION In patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery; knowledge of anatomic details and average lengths of skull base and their neighbouring structures and the possible variations of anatomical structures are very important for the prevention of complications that may occur during the operation. Therefore, the preoperative evaluation of paranasal sinus CT by considering the various possibilities is necessary and inevitable. REFERENCES 1. Hemmerdinger SA, Jacobs JB, Lebowitz RA. Accuracy and cost analysis of image-guided sinà ¼s surgery. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2005; 38:453–60. 2. E. Kizilkaya, M. Kantarci, C. C. Basekim et al., â€Å"Asymmetry of the height of the ethmoid roof in relationship to handedness,† Laterality, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 297–303, 2006. 3. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

The Future of American Technology Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research

The Future of American Technology The future of technology in America is going to change dramatically and frequently from here on out. It has already grown so much in the past thirty years; I think that it will continue expanding at faster and faster rates. I think that it will be both good and bad. There will be many positive advances in the medical field, and such, but I think that there will also be some negative consequences. With all of it though, I feel that the positive will outweigh the negative, and it will be worthwhile. I hope so anyway. I think that by the year 2025, we will be living on other planets, and have plenty of space travel. We will have found a cure for AIDS, and cancer, but there will be new deadly viruses that will threaten to wipe out the population. We...

Hindu women Essay -- essays research papers

Throughout history, there have been many different aspects that have been looked at in all culture ways . Many researcher’s have studied the history and the lifestyle of the different societies and particular cultural norms. This information is gathered from media, weather be it through internet, newspaper, television or simply history books as educational informers. Although these are the most common bases for societal general knowledge, in the inner truth occurs within the inner realms of particular societal. We as Americans sometimes fund the ways in which many of these cultures do things different, weird, or crazy. They are for us to look forage deeper into these different aspects but sometimes many of us choose to just believe the contrary, the truth that is tainted and not rooted within history. One of these mistakenly miscnceived cultures is the Hindu Culture. Americans may not see things in our cullture the way others do in their own private communities. In our societ y, women are beginning to get respect for the things they do and they are being looked at in the same way that men are, in various occupations. In the Hindu culture this is quiet the opposite, their society views women the same way a any other society would view those in the lower social aspects. This suppressing and inferorating view has had a large impact on their society, economically, as well as politically. The women in this culturl are looked upon as being something great, according to their cultural and religious believes. This aspect of Hindu society is the only that has had credit to the respect and value of women, where if compared to the status of women in other societies. Though the women are vied very highly by the gods, they are viewed from a society with a caste system. India like any other society is divided into different classes. The classes are division is marked by wealth and production industries. The adjoining part of the society is ruled by higher authority. Women are a large of this particular society. They are subjected to agricultural and exploitation by the men who rule them. The women in these particular communities have many duties that come with being a part of that society. â€Å" The chief duty of a women is to maintain her Pativrata Dharma. To a women there is no higher duty than service of her husband. She should worship him daily† (Shivanada, 1963). Women... ...ntirely socialized and restricted to their family-kin community. Tremendous effort has been to ignite, for they have come a long way from the beginning, hoping to see a fair end. As an American women in a westernized culture, one sometime takes the freedom given for granted, not realizing that there are women out there that have to fight for things that they want in life. True, we do choose to go out and get an education, but we should sometimes stop and think what things would be like if we were not able to even try to get an education. Education is given abundantly, there is equal opportunities in exchange for self enhancement, to think that all these rights can be taken away, not only paints a painful life but gives one a glimpse into the lives of the Hind women who had to endure such mistreatments. The Hindu women have lived under the incubation of powerful men, who have no regard to their equality nor their intelligence and capability. These women have not just fulfilled a dream but have economically, politically, and socially, broken the barrier as well as the stereotype that they may no amount to anything. They have taken that initiative, and made it i nto something great.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Community and Survival in Sula :: Sula Essays

Community and Survival in Sula Sula by Toni Morrison is a very complex novel with many underlying themes. Some of the themes that exist are good and evil, friendship and love, survival and community, and death. In Marie Nigro's article, "In Search of Self: Frustration and Denial in Toni Morrison's Sula" Nigro deals with the themes of survival and community. According to Nigro, "Sula celebrates many lives: It is the story of the friendship of two African-American women; it is the story of growing up black and female; but most of all, it is the story of a community" (1). Sula contains so many important themes that it is hard to say which one is the most important. I agree with Marie Nigro when she says that Sula is a story about community. I believe that community and how the community of Bottom survives is an important theme of the story. But I do not believe that it is a central theme of the story. When I think back on the novel Sula in twenty years, I will remember the relationship and friendship betw een Nel and Sula. I will not remember the dynamics of the community. One of Nigro's main points of her article is how Morrison shows how important work is to the community of Bottom in order to survive. Nigro believes that work is important in Sula because it helps define or not define such as in Sula's case, who the characters are. Nigro argues that the people of Bottom take survival serious because they live in a white male, world. The residents of Bottom do their best by working odd jobs and scrimping and helping each other when in need (2). But they know that they will always have to remain within the boundaries of the hostile white world (2). According to Nigro, survival is also very important for Eva and Hannah. They know they do not have much opportunity being black and female, so they prepare for the winter by canning food in the summer (2). Eva definitely knows how serious survival is because she goes to the extreme of cutting off her own leg (2). Jude is another character, Nigro points out, that needs work.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How Does the Story Encourage the Reader to Admire Scheherazade? Essay

The author in the story uses many linguistic devices such as metaphor, superlatives, similes and strong adjectives to encourage the reader to admire Scheherazade. The author uses superlatives to set up the story such as he describes Scheherazade’s beauty â€Å"Excelled that of any girl in the Kingdom of Persia. This gives the story a background of extreme power and amazing people; an exotic world with a powerful romantic appeal. Scheherazade’s character has described well in a sentence. Her description has been given in such a way that the readers are made to admire Scheherazade, like â€Å"her sister was clever and courageous in the highest degree†. This also gives the readers hope that she could be the one to stop the Sultan’s â€Å"barbarous practice†. Her beauty has been said to have â€Å"Excelled that of any girl in the Kingdom of Persia† which makes the readers think that she was the most sought woman in Persia. The author proves Scheherazade intelligence and cleverness to the readers when Scheherazade married the Sultan as she was determined to stop the â€Å"barbarous practice†. She tricked the Sultan by telling fascinating stories and letting the Sultan postpone the execution to continue Scheherazade’s fascinating story. The author’s use of adjectives in describing Scheherazade has helped him to make the readers believe in Scheherazade. Scheherazade has showed herself to be of high principles as she said â€Å"I am determined to stop this barbarous practice†. This shows how the readers admire Scheherazade. Submitted by:Submitted to: Terrence Jake S. SaulogTchr. Khaye Mendoza II – Goodness

Friday, August 16, 2019

Appendix H

Associate Level Material American Rangelands and Forests Part 1 Choose either a rangeland or a forest of the United States and describe current federal management strategies. Explain federal efforts to manage these lands sustainably by completing the chart below. |Rangeland or Forest Location |Brief History of | | | |Rangeland or | | | |Forest | |Research and identify the effects of |Review environmental websites and journals. |Month 1–3 | |air pollution. | | | |Document the sources of air pollution and both environmental and health| | | |effects of air pollution. | | | | | | | |Document video interviews of environmental researchers and | | | |facilitators. | |Develop an education program about |Develop a presentation about why this program is needed and include air|Month 1–3 | |air pollution effects. |pollution’s ill effects, the lifestyle changes that will be required, | | | |and the benefits and challenges of change. | | |Schedule a presentation day and time. |Attend a monthly HOA meeting to present the benefits of the program. |Month 4 | | | | | |Request that the HOA board add the presentation to the following | | | |month’s agenda. | | | | | | | |Document the audio and visual equipment needed for presentation and | | | |layout of the room. | |Identify and invite community |Tally the number of homes in the community. |Month 4–5 | |participants. | | | | |Create and distribute flyers to homes announcing the next HOA meeting | | | |and the educational program that will be introduced. | | Blank Sample Action Plan Action Items |Action Steps |Timeline | |(in order) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Add more rows if needed | | | References Corporation for National & Community Service. (n. d. ). Sample sustainability plan. In Toolkit for program sustainability, capacity building, and volunteer recruitment/management (Section 4). Retrieved from http://www. nationalserviceresources. org/filemanager/download/online/sustainabilit y_plan. pdf.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


The text under analysis â€Å"Doreen Pope† is a type of publicistic writing, feature article. The author M. Loudon managed to make this text informative and entertaining for the reader. The article concentrates on an Interesting theme. The theme of the article is about the role of a teacher in the system of education in GB. The author embodies the theme into incomparable character. The story reveals the image of ideal teacher. M. Loudon convinces us of the importance of the teacher's role for children.This important idea that the author expresses in the process of developing the theme is he message of the story. The theme is organically connected with the message. And M. Loudon places the maln point very appropriately. It has a complex character Is created with the help of interaction of implications and develops further. Sufficient arguments, details and examples support the main idea. â€Å"Miss Pope was an enormous success with the children because she had a genuine affini ty with them.She also had an unpretentious disregard for the formal†. The author uses references effectively and her reasoning sounds very logically and convincing. â€Å"Miss Pope believed that children only learnt self-worth and corporate responslblllty through ecognition of their gifts, however insignificant they might have seemed in scholastic terms: so while she was appreciate of talent and enthusiasm, it was those who were shy. or obstreperous. or who found reading or writing Is difficult, which whom she spent the most time. Such cohesive devices as â€Å"practically, so, also, indeed, Just, however† within the paragraphs and the repetition the main character's name between them catch the reader's attention, give more prominence to the words. Implication is conveyed by different techniques, artistic details, arrangement of plot structure and images. With the help of it the writer achieved her main purpose. M. Loudon Informs the reader about educational system In GB, convinces us of the importance of the role of a teacher. She makes us feel sympathy to the main character and respect her strong personality.M. Loudon reminds us about eternal values and morals In our life. The style of presentation of these ideas Is appealing and appropriate for the situation. â€Å"Practically, no one reading this will have of Miss Pope. Her greatness is no obvious and it has never been documented. † using not very formal style the writer involves us to the situation, Invites to an open dialog, creates ree and trust atmosphere. The author's attitude to the character determines the tone of the story. Tone expresses the relationship between the author and the character.It Is sympathetic, cheerful, and enthusiastic. M. Loudon resorts to emotionally colored words, such as â€Å"cheerful†, â€Å"Jolly†, â€Å"brisk†, â€Å"great†. An extensive Image of the character Is created by similes â€Å"Miss Pope and Sheena as the Madonna and Child in Renaissance Europe† epithets: â€Å"wholesome woman†, â€Å"unobtrusive clothes†, â€Å"sensible shoes†, â€Å"affectionate woman†, â€Å"Insatiable sense of humor†. Metaphors: â€Å"she never lost her cool†, antitheses: â€Å"from sunny hildhood to dark adolescence† Intensifiers, such as: â€Å"completely different tot us†, â€Å"such an aloof dog†.Polysyndeton: â€Å"she had an insatiable sense of humor and a nuge, rotund laugn, ana sne never Tallea to reward even tne dullest anecdote. † I use of low-colloquial words intensifies the contrast; make a parallel between primary and secondary school: â€Å"fuck off, posh bitch† The writer applies contrast, parallel structure, framing to visualize the article. The use of these means produces a humorous effect and testifies to the inventiveness and wit of the author. The title of the article catches our attention, gives prominence o the main c haracter due to capitalization.The title is the name of the character that emphasizes its importance in the article, defines sympathetic feelings of the author, and arouses reader's interest to it. The article raises important and interesting themes. It forces us to be involved in the problem of the role of a teacher. Teacher is a guide, is an inspirer, is a monitor, is a friend, is a second mother, and is a mentor, who teaches simple, but timeless and good values. And M. Loudon was succeeded in paying tribute to an inspirational teacher and created a hymn to a teacher.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Harding Plastic Molding Company

On January 11, 1975, the finance committee of Harding Plastic Molding Company (HPMC) met to consider eight capital budgeting projects. Present at the meeting were Robert L. Harding, President and founder, Susan Jorgensen, comptroller, and Chris Woelk, head of research & development. Over the past five years this committee has met every month to consider and make final judgment on all proposed capital outlays brought up for review during the period. Harding Plastic Molding Company was founded in 1954 by Robert L. Harding to produce plastic parts and molding for the Detroit automakers.For the first 10 years of operations, HPMC worked solely as a subcontractor for the automakers, but since then has made strong efforts to diversify in an attempt to avoid the cyclical problems faced by the auto industry. By 1970 this diversification attempt had led HPMC into the production of over 1000 different items, including kitchen utensils, camera housings, phonographic and recording equipment. It a lso led to an increase in sales of 500 percent during 1964 to 1974 prod. As this dramatic increase in sales was paralleled by a corresponding increase in production volume, HPMC was forced, in late 1973, to expand production facilities.This plant and equipment expansion involved capital expenditure of approximately Rs. 10. 5 million and resulted in an increase of production capacity of about 40 percent. Because of this increased production capacity, HPMC has made a concerted effort to attract new business, and consequently, has recently entered into contracts with a large toy firm and a major discount department store chain. While non-automotive related business has grown significantly, it still only represents 32 percent of HPMC’s overall business.Thus, HPMC has continued to solicit non-automotive business, and as a result of this effort and its internal research and development, the firm has four sets of mutually exclusive projects to consider at this month’s finance committee meeting. Over the past 10 years, HPMC’s capital budgeting approach has evolved into a somewhat elaborate procedure in which new proposals are categorized into three areas – profit, research and development and safety. Projects falling into the profit or research and development area are evaluated by using present value techniques.Assuming a 10% opportunity cost, those falling into the safety classification are evaluated in a more subjective framework. Although research and development projects have to receive favorable results from the present value criteria, there is also a total dollar limit assigned to projects of this category, typically running about Rs. 750,000 per year. This limitation was imposed by Harding primarily because of the limited availability of quality researchers in the plastics industry. Harding felt that if more funds than this were allocated, â€Å"We simply couldn’t find the manpower to administer them properly†.The bene fits derived from safety projects, on the other hand, are not in terms of cash flows; hence, present value methods are not used at all in the evaluation. The subjective approach used to evaluate safety projects is a result of the pragmatically difficult task of quantifying the benefits from these projects into dollar terms. Thus, these projects are subjectively evaluated by a management worker committee with a limited budget. All eight projects to be evaluated in January are classified as profit projects. The first set of projects listed on the meeting’s agenda for examination involves the utilization of HPMC’s precision equipment.Project A calls for the production of vacuum containers for thermos bottles produced for large discount hardware chain. The containers would be manufactured in five different size and colour combination. This project would be carried out over a three-year period, for the sales. Project B involves the manufacture of inexpensive photographic eq uipment for a national photography outlet. Although HPMC currently has excess plant capacity, both of these projects would utilize precision equipment of which the excess capacity is limited.Thus adopting either project would tie up all precision facilities. In addition, the purchase of new equipment would be both prohibitively expensive and involve a time delay of approximately two years. Thus making these projects mutually exclusive. (The cash flows associated with these two projects are given in exhibit-1) Exhibit 1: CASH FLOWS |Year |Project-A |Project-B | |0 |-75,000 |-75,000 | |1 |10,000 |43,000 | |2 |30,000 |43,000 | |3 |100,000 |43,000 | |Year |Project-C |Project-D | |0 | -8,000 |-20,000 | |1 |11,000 | 25,000 | Exhibit 2: Cash FlowsThe second set of projects involves renting, computer facilities, over a one-year period to aid in customer billing and perhaps inventory control. Project C entails the evaluation of a customer billing system proposed by Advanced Computer Corporat ion. Under this system, all of the bookkeeping and billing presently being done by HPMC’s accounting dept. would now be done by Advanced. In addition to saving cost involved in book keeping, Advanced would provide a more efficient billing system and do a credit analysis of delinquent customers, which would be used in the future for in-depth credit analysis.Project D is proposed by International Computer Corporation and includes a billing system similar to that offered by Advanced, and, in addition, an inventory control system that will keep track of all raw materials and parts in stock and reorder when necessary, thereby reducing the likelihood of material stock outs, which has become more and more frequent over the past three years. (The cash flows for these projects are given in exhibit-2).Exhibit 3: Cash Flows |Year |Projects-E |Project-F | |0 |-30,000 |-271,500 | |1 |210,000 |100,000 | |2 | |100,000 | |3 | |100,000 | |4 | |100,000 | |5 | |100,000 | |6 | |100,000 | |7 | |1 00,000 | 8 | |100,000 | |9 | |100,000 | |10 | |100,000 | The third decision that faces the financial directors of HPMC involves a newly developed and patented process for molding hard plastics. HPMC can either manufacture or market the equipment necessary to mold such plastics or they can sell the patent rights to Polyplastics Incorporated, the world’s largest producers of plastic products. (The cash flows for project E and F are shown in exhibit-3). At present, the process has not been fully tested, and if HPMC is going to market it itself, it will be necessary to compute this testing and begin production of plant facilities immediately.On the other hand, selling these patent rights to Polyplastics would involve only minor testing and refinements, which could be completed within the year. Thus, a decision on the proper course of action is needed immediately. The final set of projects up for consideration revolved around replacement of some of the machinery. HPMC can go in on e of the two directions. Project G suggests the purchase and installation of moderately priced, extremely efficient equipment with an expected life of 5 years; project H advocates the purchase of a similarly priced, although less efficient machine with life expectancy of 10 years.The cash flows for these alternatives are shown in exhibit-4) As the meeting opened, debate immediately centered on the most appropriate method for evaluating all of the projects. Harding suggested that since the projects to be considered were mutually exclusive, perhaps their usual capital budgeting criteria of net present value was inappropriate. He felt that, in examining these projects, perhaps they should be more concerned with relative profitability of some measure of yield.Both Jorgensen and Woelk agreed with Harding’s point of view, with Jorgensen advocating a profitability index approach and Woelk preferring the use of the profitability index would provide a benefit-cost ratio, directly impl ying relative profitability. Thus, they merely need to rank these projects and select those with the highest profitability index. Woelk agreed with Jorgensen’s point of view but suggested that the calculation of an internal rate of return would also give a measure of profitability and perhaps be somewhat easier to interpret.To settle the issue Harding stated that the NPV, PI and IRR approaches would necessarily yield the same ranking order. EXHIBIT-4: Cash Flows |Year |Project-G |Project-H | |0 |-500,000 |-500,000 | |1 |225,000 |150,000 | |2 |225,000 |150,000 | |3 |225,000 |150,000 | |4 |225,000 |150,000 | |5 |225,000 |150,000 | |6 | |150,000 | |7 | |150,000 | |8 | |150,000 | |9 | |150,000 | |10 | |150,000 | From here the discussion turned to an appropriate approach to the problem of differing lives among mutually exclusive projects E and F and projects G and H.Woelk argued that there really was not a problem here at all, that as all of the cash flows from these projects can be determined, any of the discounted cash flows methods of capital budgeting will work well, Jorgensen, on the other hand, argued that although this was true, she felt that some compensation should be made for the fact that the projects being considered did not have equal lives. HARDING PLASTIC MOLDING COMPANY QUESTIONS 1) Was Harding correct in stating that the NPV, PI and IRR necessarily will yield the same ranking order? Under what situations might the NPV, PI, and IRR methods provide different rankings? Why is it possible? ) What are the NPV, PI and IRR for projects A and B? What has caused the ranking conflicts?Should project A or B be chosen? Might your answer change if project B is a typical project in the plastic molding industry? For example, if projects for HPMC generally yield approximately 12 percent is it logical to assume that he IRR for project is of approximately 33 percent is a correct calculation for ranking purposes? (Hint: Examine the reinvestment assumption rate ) 3) What are the NPV, PI and IRR for projects C and D? Should projects C or D be chosen? Does your answer change if these projects are considered under a capital constraint?What return on the marginal Rs. 12,000 not used in project C is necessary to make one indifferent between these projects under a capital rationing situation? 4) What are the NPV, PI and IRR for projects E and F? Are these projects comparable even though they have unequal lives? Why? Which project should be chosen? Assume these projects are not considered under a capital constraint. 5) What are the NPV, PI and IRR for projects G and H? Are these projects comparable even though they have unequal lives? Which project should b e chosen? Assume that these projects are not considered under a capital constraint.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Now...This by Neil Postman Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Now...This by Neil Postman - Article Example The understanding is also tolerated. There is no destruction so cruel, no tremor so ravaging, no political error so high-priced--for that matter, no ball score so provoking or weather description so threatening--that it cannot be erased from minds by a newscaster saying, "Now . . . This."Â  (Postman) What the newscasters purport is the previous matters have been thought about for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary for alteration of the scene and perception of the viewers. This can be done by changing what preoccupies the mind with a new idea or news fragment. This is done in the mentality of commercialization in terms of promotion and marketing to meet the current demands by the community. This process of thought does not take more than an hour in psychological mind. Television and radio are mediums that are used by a discrete event in every halt an hour to disseminate separate contents. The contents may have separate contexts and emotional characteristic structure from the follows and precedes it. Because the media promotion takes place in minutes and seconds, maybe because the audience can be manipulated through the communication platform of imagery and words, the structuring of programs is done in a way that each segment of 8 minutes’ ability to stand as a separate complete event. (Stewart) News in the television is merely entertainment. It is engulfed with a cast of actors who are admirable and credible. Analytically, the Television news anchors are mostly women of the age gap from 20 to 45 and are exceptionally beautiful. It also includes men who are handsome, who are not bald, fat, have neither long noses nor closed eyes. In the definition of truth, the ultimate propositional test of the teller determines the television’s credibility. This means that if the society trusts in the teller then what he or she says is classified as the truth. In other words, the truth

A Thousand Splendid Suns--see instructions Essay

A Thousand Splendid Suns--see instructions - Essay Example Under normal conditions, the more traditional and older Mariam would be an unlikely confidant and friend of the more educated Laila. Both come from different social classes but in spite of the efforts of the country to oppress its women, these two create strong bonds as a consequence of that very oppression. Mariam was raised in a small, run down shack outside of the main city of Herat. Though she was considered a strong girl, she was also taught to understand her place as a harami, or bastard child. She understood this to be an unattractive role, â€Å"that a harami was an unwanted thing; that she, Mariam, was an illegitimate person who would never have legitimate claim to the things other people had, things such as love, family, home and acceptance.† (Hosseini 4). While she understood this role, she questioned those in authority and the rules she was forced to follow and often dreamed of a better way of life. In fact, she was very close to her father, Jalil, who always spoke to her in kind words fueling her aspirations for something better as she knew being a harami was not her own fault. As she got older, she was tired of feeling guilty about the circumstances of her birth as â€Å"it did not occur to young Mariam to ponder the unfairness of apologizing for the manner of her own birth.† (Hosseini 11). A younger Mariam accepted her role, but the older one desired more in life. She was raised by her mother (Nana) and fell into a deep despair upon her death, especially as she is married off against her will to Rasheed. He forced her into submission taking away all of her hope of a better life until she finally had the courage to rise up in revenge and kill him. Unfortunately for her, the Taliban executed her for this murder. In contrast, Laila had a happier childhood, or at least as happy as it could be for a woman in Afghanistan in the midst of war. She was given an opportunity for education and to realize her full potential. Her father had

Monday, August 12, 2019

What insights, if any, can the writings of Michael Foucault provide Outline

What insights, if any, can the writings of Michael Foucault provide for the student of medieval 'outsiders' - Outline Example Perhaps one of the main contributors to the body of knowledge includes Michel Foucault. Indeed, his exploration of science, philosophy, history and a host of other fields generated useful insights that inform current decisions in the academic sphere. It is against this background that this paper underscores contributions of Michel Foucault that are informative to the student of medieval ‘outsider’. Foucault posits that the disappearance of the social problem of leprosy paved way to insanity2. Initially during the 1500s, mad people were secluded from the society and sent away in ‘ship of fools’3. According to Foucault, leprosy was a complex phenomenon whose occurrence was beyond the physical incapacitation6. From a medical point of view, the populations that were affected by it suffered immensely. The then societies feared the disease because of the medical implications that were associated with it. Just like mad people, lepers were secluded form the society The resultant gap made it possible for populations to carry on with the practice of seclusion. Gradually, mad people started being given a similar treatment. In essence, they were considered social outcasts and were exposed to brutal treatment9. Foucault believes that discipline and punishment gives the persons in authority power over an individual who is punished10. Power in this regard is defined by professional knowledge thus judges, parole officers and the police are powerful. The degree and length of the disciplinary measure is depended on the decisions that are made by individuals in power11. These also determine the type of punishment that need to be reflective of the type of wrong that is committed by the prisoner. Discipline and punishment play distinct social and political roles of: Human sexuality has a direct influence on social as well as political power structuring16. The procedures and

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Role of Private Sector Organizations in Education Essay - 1

Role of Private Sector Organizations in Education - Essay Example Bringing the education sector right under the auspices of the private sector is important because there is more check and balance in doing the same and that there are minimal losses, both from the imparting of education as well as the financial standpoint. Also encouraging private sector organizations to come up with different education related and vocational ventures is indeed much needed at present. This is because education is usually the responsibility of the state itself but the people who could impart training regimes and coaching measures are the ones who hail from the private sector, in essence the specialists who know their work well and hence they must be given their due right to express what they can do best. Steps need to be taken to bring them in the forefront so that their undertakings could be further developed from and that there are no grey areas when the talk goes out loud regarding institutionalizing education centers and areas of excellence related with the very s ame topic. (Levine, 1985) The way in which organizations have adopted the role as the torchbearers for the society when it comes to imparting education, falls directly under the domains of the notion of corporate social responsibility. This is a term that has been spoken of at length within the present day organizational regimes due to the fact that a number of different education programs, social awareness measures, human development initiatives and general reforms have made the rounds of the organizations on a consistent basis and essentially benefited the different publics of the said organizations as well as the society. Corporate social responsibility can be applied to a business in a very innovative way. The company can invest in the social arena with much return in mind, not in the short-term but of course in the long run. Corporate social responsibility is internal to an organization; it dictates the manner in which it has to plan about the courses of action it has to carry out with respect to the society. This term basically deals with the organization's set of operations that it carries out for the welfare of the society while existing within itself. It helps the humanity in more than one ways, to train and educate them and to ponder upon issues, which can really change the fate of coming civilizations. (Berkhout, 2005) It all comes under this heading of corporate social responsibility. The Government must play its role in harnessing the skills attached with the corporate sector in finding out the better means in which it can benefit the society. For that certain loans and grants can also be fi xed for a certain company depending on its market level in the business world. Extensive research has found that corporate responsibility is becoming an essential part of any company's day-to-day undertakings. Thus, the responsibility played by the government as well as the citizens in this regard should be quite eloquent and expressive. Their voice is given due value by the company and it does just about everything to get more and more customers and consumers which in turn excites it to search for better means to get the very same people. This, in turn, attracts the company to sponsor big events and sports galas, competitions as well as come towards social welfare

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Cost of War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Cost of War - Essay Example As an economic student, the cost of war does not end in the battlefield but it also affects those who are not involved with the war. The question here is the cost of war and who bear the cost. Is it America, the jihadists or the world? This perspective will enable you to explore the issue from an economist point of view. Global economy is indicated by various parameters. Such parameters are the only tool that we can use to determine the cost of war. Jim: I think Sam is heading in the right direction since the issue of cost of war should be linked with the question of who bears the cost. It is unfortunate that since the end of World War II, most wars have been between America and the so called the Arab world. The Asian continent or the Arab world plays a big role in the world’s economy. Nearly 50% of the global oil comes from the Arabian countries particularly Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia that. These countries have either been involved or affected by the war. This proves why global oil prices escalate whenever there is a conflict involving the Arab world and the Western League. Inflated oil prices increases the cost of production since oil is used in various stages of production such as manufacturing and transportation. High oil prices are reflected in consumer products as increase in retail prices. I consider this to be the actual cost of war† Peter: â€Å"your argument is correct however, you are more biased to answering the question of who bear the cost of war instead of the cost of war. Wars happen in reality and therefore analysis needs a realistic focus. The cost of war is the immediate impacts of war that changes the financial status of the parties involved in war. In this case the cost of war will be evaluated from the cost of damages resulting from a conflict and the cost of maintaining combatants in the battlefield or maintaining a frontline†. Simon: â€Å"I think the issue is